of Point Venus
Point Venus was published by Brandl & Schlesinger (Sydney
".......a meticulously researched and imagined novel of great
power and force. Few Australian novelists since Patrick White have
so precisely understood the tragic European dimension to the antipodean
colonial dilemma as has Michael Moran."
author and critic Times Literary Supplement
"......he vividly describes an island of stunning beauty, a "land
for eagles and angels" ......a trip to the islands worth taking."
The Australian's Review of Books March 1999
" For me, it is the 'remote island of pines', this sub-tropical
paradise east of Sydney that becomes the main protagonist in the story.
This is an intense book, the historical background of Pitcainers and
convicts meticulously researched........Moran has captured the intensity
of European colonial society in a small place. Point Venus
is an ambitious book with a fine balance drawn between cruelty and
romantic sentiment."
The Tahitian Princess Poedua,
the daughter of Orio, Chief of Raiatea painted in 1777 on Captain
Cook's Last Voyage by John Webber (1752-1793) National Maritime
Museum, Greenwich, London |
The Australian Book Review August 1999
"Reading this exotic book is like visiting another planet."
Journalist in Budapest
"......highly romantic......a young woman seems to have stepped
straight out of a Gauguin painting. Mareva has all the attributes
of a dream woman, right down to the lustrous eyes, golden skin and
sensitive yet sensual lips
..she soon displays the Siren's ability
to turn men's minds to mush."
Canberra Times |